Tuesday 7 October 2014

A bit of a problem

As I began sketching ideas for one of my album cover concepts i began to think that what I was drawing was familiar. I had a think and after a while I realised that I had seen something very similar in an Oliver Jeffers book. I had a look at his book 'The Great Paper Caper' to refresh my memory and what I was drawing was too familiar to use so I will have to have a think about how else I could execute this idea if I do decide to go through with it. It was so strange how the image I had previously seen must have sub concisely stuck in the back of my head.  I think that my concept of people living under the hills could still work if I changed the design of the pods that the people live in. I will have to have a play around and see how it goes. If it doesn't work out I have two other ideas that I am thinking about developing. Below are images of Oliver Jeffers book and my thumbnail sketches. 

Oliver Jeffers 'The Great Paper Caper'

My very first rough sketches 

Thumbnail sketch 

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